Document without the need .COM.TR for History Clear It's done!

With the NIC.TR being replaced by TRABIS, domains with .COM.TR, .NET.TR and .ORG.TR extensions, which can only be obtained by submitting a document, can be registered without the need to submit documents. With this new system, domains available for registration will be instantly available.

For a while, the date when TRABIS would be commissioned was eagerly awaited. In particular, domain owners who requested pre-orders were investigating when undocumented, and requests would be received. Expected date announced: September 29, 2022 As of the date of the general registration period begins!

There is a domain name life cycle that must be followed in the process of acquiring undocumented, and Unlike other domain extensions, a different life cycle is followed for paperless domains.

Domain name lifecycle for undocumented domains:

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During the TRABIS period,, and domain names are taken without documents; Domain names such as “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, and “” will continue to be purchased with certain documents.

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